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Monday, May 5, 2008







Located in Pampanga

P 2 Million -2.5Million/ $25,000.00

P 3 Million- 2.5 million/ $25,000.00

The site Development Plan

House specification Verona Model

P 2.5 Million- 3 million/ $50,000

P 3 Million- 2.5 million/ $30,000

P3.5 Million - 4 Million/$ 60,000.00

P2Million-2.5Million-$28,000.00 House and lot located in Laguna, Naga City,


NewChicago said...

I know who's going to help me purchase a home in Manila? :-)

knock and I will open the door said...

Am sure you know :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Mel, you have showed really beautiful houses here. If I know of anyone who wants to buy a house there I would let you know. These houses are just marvelous...

knock and I will open the door said...

Hi, sure! Just let them to email or call me.. I am willing to asisst anytime. thanks a lot. God bless!

Phantom said...

Lola,those houses are just too damn good to be true for me hehehe. But I was told one night by this wingless angel that I soon will purchase one of those houses you are selling. The wingless angel also whispered to me that I could actually negotiate with you a buy 1 take 1 houses.. That angel must be Filipino eh? kuripot!

knock and I will open the door said...

hehehehe.. wow buy 1 take one huh! tell to that wingless angel that buy 1 house take 1 man/woman.. hehehe.. so she/he can be prince/king of that sooo beautiful house.hehehe. mwuah